We want to ensure every child has access to school uniform, so we set up a free school uniform bank.

Uniform project

We want to ensure every child has access to school uniform, so we set up a free school uniform 'bank'.


The project provides new & used uniforms and other school items throughout the entire school year. (Items are typically donated by school parents, PTA’s and businesses).   
Unused school uniforms are taken to recycling centres.   

Our Mission:
• Meet the needs of the marginalised and vulnerable -
      provide a free school uniform helping young people       integrate into their local community.
• Reduce the threat of bullying.
• Increase community involvement.
• Provide ‘Volunteers Experience’ as a step back into
       employment.  to Volunteer click here

Families, organisations, statutory bodies, schools, can request uniform via facebook messenger or email For more information.

Essex Uniform Exchange
Visit here

Additional Services..                                                           
As an official partner of Colchester Foodbank we offer foodbank vouchers. In turn the Foodbank process requests to us for free school uniforms.

Visit here or Colchester Foodbank

free school uniform project video

Essex Free School Uniform

Essex Free School Uniform Update: We are currently out of black jogging bottoms. However, we still have some navy jogging bottoms available in various sizes.

Do you have SCHOOL UNIFORM to donate?

Whilst we will aim to meet all the requests as best as we can, our stock is reliant on donations, so any donations are greatly received. We would ask that when applying for uniform if you have any old uniform that is too small that it be donated to us, however this is not a requirement.

Donate uniform